International Futures Research Academy (IFRA)
Russian Division — MAIB
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IFRA Russian Branch - MAIB

Theoretical background of Russian Branch of IFRA - MAIB

MAIB considers its founders to be outstanding figures of science, government and business, who contributed greatly to development of prognostics theory and its application to strategies elaboration.

The Academy relies on prognostic, scientific and cultural traditions founded in works of M. Lomonosov, D. Mendeleyev, N. Kondratiev, V. Vernadskiy, K. Tsiolkovsiy, P. Uspenskiy, V. Bazarov, P. Sorokin, L. Chizhevskiy, I. Efremov, I. Prigozhin and others. The Academy evolves these traditions and realizes them in prognostic projects of social, economic and political development of Russia, its regions and the world applying results to international, governmental, corporate and public governance as well as in self-government.

The Academy proceeds on declaration of fundamental importance of human historical experience comprehension, necessity to study factual situations in the world and possibilities of forecasting by means of scientific based prognostics prospects different global and local processes and phenomena of any degree of complexity. The possibility of scientific and intuitive knowledge was formulated in the concept of technological prognostics (problem-target approach in futures research) in 1924-27 by V.Bazarov-Rudnev, and then, independently, in 50s and early 60s by O. Gelmer, T. Gordon, D. Bell, B. de Juvenile, A. Toynbee, M. Brodel and other futurologists.

Generally MAIB as network intellectual organization is urged to generate strategically important non-material assets and to consolidate expert and prognostic community.

MAIB program purposes

The Academy was founded for purposes of:

  • organization and carrying out scientific research, methodological, consulting and communicative activity in the field of prognostics;
  • forming and maintaining favorable conditions for extended realization of intellectual, professional and creative potential of Russian citizens and their profile;
  • extension of contacts including international ones between scientific, research and educational public

The Academy also sets as its aim rendering intellectual and methodical support to Russian students, post-graduate students, doctor degree seekers and young specialists in their professional growth.

Activity of IFRA Russian branch (MAIB):

The Academy holds monthly meetings to discuss reports on prognostics theory and practice.

The Academy publishes “Prognosis and Strategies” journal since 2007.

The Academy also organizes annual concourse of young professionals scientific works “Russia and the World: the Decade Ahead”.

© International Futures Research Academy, 2007-2025