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An optimistic view of the Russian and Kazakhstan scientists into the future

To the roundtable in conjunction within the 64th session of the UN General Assembly “The Future of Civilizations and a Strategy for a Civilizational Partnership” (New York, the UN Headquarters, 27 October 2009).

The Russian and Kazakhstan scientists came forward with a bold initiative endorsed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev. As a result of arduous efforts of the international force which involved about 50 scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, and also the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Ukraine, Lebanon and other countries there was made, published and discussed at the civilizational forums, international conferences, cross-disciplinary discussions the Global Forecast “Future of Civilizations” for 2050. The forecast comprises 9 parts. The closing, summary part “The Future of Civilizations and a Strategy for a Civilizational Partnership” is brought up for discussion at the roundtable within the 64th session of the UN General Assembly on 27 October 2009.

In the deep of the global crisis when scientists, statesmen, businessmen of various countries are feeling confusion and fear before the future, the forecast originators – scientists propose their vision of a long outlook for the development of humanity, chances to implement the optimistic scenario of the future of civilizations and scientifically validated recommendations for a long-term strategy of partnership of civilizations, its institutes and mechanisms.

The forecast is based on the unique methodology for integral macroforecasting worked out by the Russian scientists and synthesizing and developing the ideas of Nikolai Kondratieff and Joseph Schumpeter, Pitirim Sorokin, Arnold Toynbee and Fernand Braudel, Vladimir Vernadsky and Nikita Moisseev, Wassily Leontief. This methodology has per-mitted to prove that the global crises of the early 21st century are not accidental but law-governed and necessary. They are an impulse and precursor of the civilizational revolution of the 21st century which will result in the establishment of the humanistically noospheric civilization in the 2nd quarter of the century, noospheric energy-ecological mode of pro-duction and consumption, integral economic and socio-cultural system. The world where the next generations live and work will be radically other than the one we used to it. These statements are expounded in the fundamental monograph of Boris Kuzyk and Yuri Yakovets “The Prospects for the Establishment of the Integral Civilization” to be presented at the roundtable session.

However, the scientists do not confine themselves to the foresight of the future. Considering two possible scenarios of the future of civilizations – inertia-based leading to the deadlock and catastrophes and innovative-breakthrough, optimistic the forecast originators validate recommendations for a long-term partnership of civilizations for the implementation of the optimistic scenario. It is envisaged that the UN will appoint a high level commission to work out, based on the forecast, an outline of the long-term strategy which may be discussed at the World Summit on sustainable development in 2012. These recommendations are endorsed by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev in his new book “Strategy for Drastic Renewal of the Global Community and Partnership of Civilizations” which may be reviewed by the roundtable session participants.

The report of R.A.S. Academician Alexander Granberg sets forth the foundations of the grandiose construction project of the Poly Transport Link Eurasia-America with the tunnel via the Bering Strait which may become the basis for partnership of civilizations and the base for the global transport network uniting all the continents (except Australia).

The project implemented demonstrates a high intellectual potential of the Eurasian civilization, the leadership of the Russian and Kazakhstan scientists in the foresight of the future and validation of a long-term strategy for the global community.


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