Aurelio Peccei's legacy on the centenary of his birth
Institute of International Sociology Gorizia, International Futures Research Academy, the Journal of Future Studies “Futurtibili” in collaboration with Club of Rome, Aurelio Peccei Foundation, Chapters of Slovenia and Croatia, European Support Centre of Vienna with the patronage of University of Trieste organised the International Conference “Awakening of a global consciousness. Aurelio Peccei's legacy on the centenary of his birth” (Gorizia, 15 September 2008).
- Welcome Address. Official Opening by the Club of Rome and its Chapters from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. The Interview to Aurelio Peccei and Dennis Meadows, by Piero Angela, 1973
- Keynote speech. The role of Aurelio Peccei in shaping a global consciousness. Roberto Peccei - President of Aurelio Peccei Foundation, Rome, University of California, Los Angeles
Aurelio Peccei and the Club of Rome
- Chair - Alberto Gasparini - University of Trieste; ISIG
- Tribute to Aurelio. Johan Galtung - Transcend, Versonnex
- I remember Aurelio... Giorgio Nebbia - University of Ban (reading)
- Aurelio Peccei and his legacy. Eleonora Masini - Gregorian University, Rome (reading)
- Aurelio Peccei and the Club of Rome: a pioneer of futures studies. Umberto Gori - University of Florence, vice-president of lFRA
- Aurelio Peccei and the Club of Rome's global environment. Igor Bestuzhev Lada - University of Moscow, IFRA President
- Beyond oil. Meir Javedanfar - Middle East analyst, Tel Aviv
Aurelio Peccei and the scientific methodology of the Club of Rome
- Chair - Roberto Peccei - President of Aurelio Peccei Foundation, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- The Club of Rome and Futuribiii. Aurelio Peccei and Pietro Ferraro, future-builders. Alberto Gasparini - University of Triest, ISIG
- The forecasting techniques of the Club of Rome. Jerome Glenn - The Millennium Project, USA
- The Wealth of Nations in the 21st century. Orio Giarini - The Risk Institute, Geneva-Trieste
- Educating to a global and sustainable society. Ivo Slaus - Academy of sciences and arts, Zagreb
Conclusions. Ivo Slaus
